What is sport fishing and how important is it? Ainda sem avaliações.


Important for the environment, for fishing enthusiasts and for the economy: get to know Sport Fishing!

Sport fishing is a recreational sport that arose from traditional fishing, with the objective of releasing the fish caught right after bee hooked, in time for this fish not to suffer impacts that result in its death. Another feature of this type of fishing is that the consumption of fish is not the goal but the pleasure of fishing, fighting with the fish and releasing it in good health so that another fisherman may catch it again on another occasion. .

Returning fish to their natural habitat not only makes fishing a sport, but also promotes the preservation of the species that live there, and allows fish to follow their natural life, reproducing and maintaining a stable ecosystem. . Many fish caught in sport fishing are dangerously endangered, such as Dourado (Salminus Brasiliensis) and Piracanjuba (Brycon Orbignyanus). These two fish are very sporting and had their names included in the 2014 endangered fish list.

The right way to practice the sport

The InfoEscola website suggests a series of special precautions for the practice of Sport Fishing correctly. For this there is a series of different equipment and accessories for this type of fishing. Hooks, lures, among others, are idealized in order not to hurt the fish.

In addition, the fisherman can use some techniques to preserve the fish, such as:

  • Handle fish in water as long as possible.
  • Out of water when handling fish keep hands wet (dry hand removes mucus that protects fish).
  • Use only barbed or crushed hooks.
  • When fishing at depths greater than 30 feet, pull the fish slowly so that there is time for decompression (adequacy of the fish to water pressure).
  • Use the line a little longer than recommended, so that the fight lasts less time, making the fish less tired.
  • Remove the hook with needle nose pliers when not too deep.
  • Cut the line and leave the hook inside the fish when the hook is too deep.
  • Speed ​​and delicacy as you take it out of the water to weigh, measure and photograph.

But what is the importance of sport fishing in general?

contribuição positiva da pesca esportiva

Generally speaking, we can say that Sport Fishing operates on 4 main fronts, which if allied, can make the sport extremely sustainable, ecologically and economically. In fact, Brazil can be evaluated internationally as a power of sport fishing, but because it is a country of continental dimensions, it is very difficult to fully and uniformly monitor, promote or promote the sport throughout our territory.

The 4 important points that Sport Fishing can contribute to Brazilians, the environment and the fishing community in general are:

  • Environmental Preservation
  • Job Generation
  • Sustainable economic growth
  • Promotion from Brazil around the world

1. Environmental Preservation

Perhaps, for the vast majority of sport fishermen, this is the biggest contribution of sport fishing to the world, to Brazil, to fishermen and to nature: the preservation of species and their natural habitat. With the insertion of this modality in our culture, many regions that suffered greatly from deforestation, river pollution and predatory fishing, were gradually being adapted to the new reality that the sport brought, offering other ways to interact with nature, without destroying the environment. flora and fauna of these regions. A fishing maxim is the greatest truth: “Preserved Place, Fish Folded!”.

2. Job Generation

Another important point in which Sport Fishing has worked in the last 25 years and will continue to act positively is in the generation of direct and indirect jobs, in addition to the increase in investments in the sector by the public power and the private sector. It turns out that due to the increased demands that fishing has brought, there has been a growing interest in starting up fishing supplies companies, inns, looking for fishing tour guides, usually local people who know the habitat and its diversity of fish, manufacture, import and resale of vessels, among other ways of generating jobs. In fact, many fishermen who previously worked in commercial fishing migrated to Fisheries Tourism and increased their earnings and quality of life considerably.

3. Sustainable Economic Growth

With the generation of jobs, income and wealth, it is natural that there is primarily more localized economic growth, but depending on the potential of the region. This increase later reaches the state and in specific cases such as the Amazon Basin and the Pantanal, economic growth increases in order to improve national indices in the economy and sustainability. This environmental and economic growth has become an important Brazilian product and promoted around the world for its grandeur, and already attracts thousands of fishermen, investors and companies from around the world to our country, seeking not only the big fish, but also the fruits that the sector brings to the economy.

4. Promotion of Brazil around the world

The promotion of the “Sport Fishing” product that mainly Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul are already well explored, ends up attracting fishermen, investors and also international events such as the 1st International Sport Fishing Tournament (GAWFR), which was organized by Keisuke Onoda and Chihiro Yamamoto, Japanese who have lived in Brazil for over 20 years.

Women Fishermen? Yes, and that’s great!

Fishing has traditionally been a club for boys. But more women are challenging norms and creating our own space in the sport fishing area. And there is definitely a market. In response to women’s obvious enthusiasm for fishing. Some major brands have entered the market, recently launching women-specific outfits. This should be good for the results as, according to the 2017 special report published by the Outdoor Industry Association and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation. According to the report, women are now the fastest growing demographic in sport fishing around the world. See below the profile of Luana Karine, fisherwoman and host of FishTV’s “Elas na Pesca” program.


More women fishers will lead to more product sales, guide opportunities and diversity in the sport. Women’s growing involvement brings communities together and reinvigorates conservation initiatives, leading to the sustainability of fishing and health ecosystems. Best of all, the result is a sport that is increasingly accessible to all. In Brazil, there are several professional fishermen who already have millions of followers and followers, further promoting diversity in our sport. A good news is not it?


As you can see, Sport Fishing only has to contribute to the fishing community and the planet as a whole. We have seen that this sport already produces positive indices in sustainability, job creation and economy, as well as promoting the sport and its benefits globally. And this is what we also want with our article, to help promote and expand the practice of sport fishing here in Brazil and around the world.

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